John Taylor
Councilman John Taylor Chapman
Delivers Results In Our Community
On Council, John will keep fighting for world-class schools, housing that is affordable, and economic opportunity so everyone can live, work, and enjoy the unique and vibrant culture of Alexandria. Learn more about his plans for the City below and his commitment to working with you to move this vision to reality.
Advocacy for Creativity & Innovation in Public Education
Given his background in education, John knows first hand that as communities struggle to take care of their vulnerable children and youth, Alexandria must find innovative ways to deliver essential services, from food to education to healthcare. On Council, John will:
Seek opportunities to provide mental health services to students.
Grow school capacity by pursuing public-private partnerships and further engage our Community College partnerships to improve student outcomes.
Seek to expand apprenticeship opportunities for students, by partnering with the private sector to engage students on preparing for the future of work.
Expand access to Pre-K education and out of school education opportunities, with the goal of ensuring Alexandrians have local options in their neighborhoods.
Fighting for Small Business Relief
As a small business owner, John is committed to protecting small businesses. He understands that small businesses small businesses are the heart of communities, providing jobs and economic security. This is especially true in Alexandria, where its independent restaurants, bakeries, coffee shops, and boutiques are loved by its residents and create a vibrant destination for visitors. Alexandria’s small businesses will drive our economic recovery and be the source of economic success in the future. John plans to:
Add neighbor-serving uses and “Maker Spaces” as development occurs in the Potomac yards and Eisenhower corridors.
Convene an Alexandria Small Business Recovery Task Force to frame the policy changes and initiatives that will aid in the recovery of Alexandria’s business community and shape Alexandria into a strong regional economic community.
Connect businesses and consumers through municipal broadband infrastructure.
Work with local financial institutions to expand access to capital for small businesses.
Explore a Main Corridor Pop-Up Business Initiative, which will partner growing business with vacant space along our retail corridors.
Pursue the next generation of the Torpedo Factory, which will center around the local artist, but create space for other activities, like a rooftop eatery, to continue to attract residents and tourists to this community gem.
Championing Affordable Housing and Homeownership Post Pandemic
On Council, John continues to lead the fight for more affordable housing. He has pushed the development community to devote more resources to affordable housing and homeownership. John understands that as our city continues to expand there remains a need for innovative solutions to address housing affordability and home ownership. On Council, John will continue to:
Advocate for the expansion of public-private partnerships to increase long term housing options.
Aggressively push for affordable housing options for current and future residents of all income levels.
Support Alexandria Housing and Redevelopment Authority (ARHA)’s efforts to increase the number of sustainable and affordable housing units.
Expand the city’s Homebuyer programs, to give working class Alexandrians an opportunity to settle down in the city.
Rethinking Economic Growth for the 21st Century
Today’s economic challenges require bold and innovative ideas to usher in equitable recovery. John’s post-pandemic economic development vision for Alexandria is inclusive, sustainable, and adaptive. On Council, he will:
Reconvene the city's Economic Sustainability Summit, and thereafter convene an Economic Sustainability Commission that brings together elected officials, business and community leaders, city staff, and local experts to craft and monitor a hyper-focused, 10-year business development strategy for the city.
Build an Economic Sustainability Workgroup that will bring together economic development and community stockholders to enhance our city's ability to retain and attract new businesses.
Expand the staff of the Alexandria economic development partnership (AEDP) by increasing regional competitiveness, retaining existing businesses and expanding economic development in the city.
Transportation, Infrastructure, & Environment Sustainability
John understands that transportation, infrastructure, and environmental sustainability are pillars that keep our city standing and our communities thriving. As the needs of our neighbors change, city government is responsible for answering those needs with solutions that are relevant, efficient, and compassionate. On Council, he will lead the way to:
Set new targeted goals for our Urban Forestry Master Plan and our Tree Canopy Goal and establish an Open Space fund.
Revitalize the city’s Master Plan to modernize our digital infrastructure and expand innovation.
Establish a working group to address open space retrofits and redesigns such as alleyways to increase open space.
Push for sustainable infrastructure options to promote a more livable community.
Work with WMATA and DASH to improve transportation options for people who work and live in Alexandria and/or work in neighboring communities, including Washington, D.C.
Fostering Inclusive Public Engagement
John believes we have a unique opportunity to reconfigure Alexandria’s relationship with community members. With the diversity of technology that is available, there are many more effective tools to engage people with their local governments beyond traditional public hearings. While important, public hearings reach a limited audience. John wants Alexandria to find new ways to meaningfully engage Alexandrians in decisions that affect them. On Council, he will:
Continue to actively listen to all Alexandrians to ensure that our communities diverse voices shape Alexandria’s future.
Employ innovative, inclusive, and creative methods of engagement to meet community members where they are, such as expanding the use of participatory budgeting and providing increased access to municipal broadband infrastructure.
Cultivate proactive citizen engagement to foster greater community trust, transparency, and buy-in.